Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Card View not sticking on Reports (new issue for us)

HI all,

We use Card View on reports to manage a Kanban-like board of tasks for our analysts, and to assign work for the day/week. The week of Oct 21st all of our reports stopped maintaining the Card View setting when you leave the page and come back to it. (the report presents in list view when you reopen it)

While it sounds like a minor deal, the frequency with which I pop into my team's task lists to manage work makes this a major pain for me, and my team members are having the same issue in using their work lists. The Smartsheet Support team is responding so far as though this is an isolated incident to our account and users.

Is anyone else having this issue? Is it really isolated to us?



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @FerS

    You’re definitely not the only one dealing with this. Others have noticed that reports aren’t sticking to Card View and are defaulting back to List View when reopened. This issue started around the same time you mentioned, so it seems broader than just your account.

    As a workaround, try bookmarking the report while it’s in Card View—opening it from that bookmark might help keep it in the right view. I’d also suggest reaching back out to Smartsheet Support, as more reports from users could help them prioritize a fix.

    Let me know if you need help with anything else!


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  • Unfortunately, bookmarking isn't working - neither is creating a copy when in card view - reverts to list view.

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