
Hi Brain Trust

I have a sheet that has two Compliance & Training Columns

1/ Job Requirement

2/ Candidate Compliance Check

3/ Helper columns that reports the Count difference between 1&2 - this then triggers conditional formatting and a symbol Column

I have been asked to - when drop downs are select in the job Requirement Column( can be upto 20 requirements) that each requirement get parse out into individual Columns(yet to be added

Best Answers


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Assuming "!" and "~" are not going to be found in any of the options (if it is just change it in the below to something that isn't), you can use:

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1) + 1)), "")

    In the above you will see three numbers in bold in the order of 1, 2, then 1 again. The 1 is going to indicate that you are wanting to pull the first entry. The 2 is simply 1 plus the entry number. So to pull the second entry, you would use 2, 3, 2. Third entry would use 3, 4, 3. So on and so forth.

  • Hi Paul

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1) + 1)), ""))))

    But I get a #incorrect Argument Set :-) and it keeps adding extra brackets at the end

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2)) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1)), "")

  • Hi Paul That worked great!!

    to make sure my blonde logic is working right - the second Item would need this whole piece

    FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2 ) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2) + 1)), ""), FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 4) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Column Name]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3) + 1)), "")

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Not quite. It would be the same formula as before, and you would just change the numbers. You wouldn't add anything.

    First selection:

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2)) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1)), "")

    Second selection:

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2)) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3)) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 2)) + 1)), "")

    Third selection:

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3)) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 4)) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + SUBSTITUTE([Job Compliance & Training Requirements]@row, CHAR(10), "!") + "!", "!", "~", 3)) + 1)), "")

  • aaaah Ok, so each new columns that I want the extracted data in needs its own relevant formula?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes, but you can just copy/paste then tweak those three numbers accordingly. You don't have to rewrite the entire thing or worry about different structures or anything like that.

  • One last question - IF in my multiple select dropdown column i have

    Row 1 - 1,2,3 and 5 of the available options selected

    Row 2 - 6,15,16 and 20 of the available options selected

    The formula is going to pull the data and insert into new columns so in column A we would have "1" in row 1 and "6" in row 2 because both in column A as row 1's first select is "1" and ditto of row 2 will should "6" in Column A

  • In the Job Compliance Cell of each row - the drop downs available are about 25 options so each row will have a different combination, so for example

    Row 1 with have DL, 4WD, First Aid selected

    Row 2 will have Electrical Ticket, HD DL, Working At heights

    Using the Parse formula am I going to end up with - (In Parse Helper 1 Column)

    Row 1 DL

    Row 2 Electrical Ticket

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Ok. And what is it you are wanting if that is not it?

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