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Retrieve data from another sheet and add to bottom of destination sheet

edited 11/07/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am using the formula below to insert a row into a Scorecard sheet to show the {AP Project ID} from the Approved Projects sheet when the {AP Release Cycle} = 2024 and the {AP Project Status} = “Complete”. I created a helper field called row ID.

=IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({AP Project ID}, {AP Release Cycle}, “2024”, {AP Project Status}, "Complete"), [Row ID]@row), "")

In addition to the data from the Approved Projects sheet, the Scorecard sheet also has unique comment columns which have been added to the Scorecard sheet, etc (see below).

The issue I am encountering is that when a new project is marked as complete on the Approved Projects sheet the formula retrieves the Project ID from the Approved Projects sheet and inserts it (based on Row ID helper?) into the Scorecard sheet somewhere other than the bottom of the sheet as a new row.

That ends up messing up the Scorecard sheet comments, etc since they do not move when the new data is inserted. In the example below, Project ID ITS0173 was just marked as complete, retrieved from the Approved Projects sheet, and added to row 11 of the Scorecard sheet. And now, the Comment 1 fields from row 11 on, no longer line up.

Is there a different formula I should be using to retrieve the data from Approved Projects sheet and add it to the bottom of the Scorecard sheet as a new row?

Any guidance/help is appreciated.

Thank you very much!!!

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