Updating Copied Rows via Workflow

edited 11/07/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I have two separate sheets, one for consultants/consulting client engagements and one for coaches/coaching client engagements. Some coaching client engagements are captured in both sheets - those are initially entered in the consulting sheet and then copied over to the coaching sheet via workflow if "coaching" is selected.

The sheets are separate due to access privileges/confidential information. Some coaching engagements are only captured in the coaching sheet (all consultants are coaches but not all coaches are consultants, hence why some are only captured in one sheet vs. both and why the engagement is listed in both sheets when the consultant is the coach).

When data or status changes for coaching engagements that are listed in both sheets, I'd like it to automatically update from the consulting sheet to the coaching sheet for rows that have been copied over. Is there any way to do this?


