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SUMIF equation that pulls criterion from cell data within the row

edited 11/11/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to build a SUMIF equation (in sheet #1) that sums data (Hours Used) from a different sheet (sheet #2) if the unique ID matches. I can successfully build the equation where the 'Range' references the Unique ID column in sheet #2, the 'SUM Range' references the data to be summed in sheet #2, and the 'criterion' is manually entered between "".

EXAMPLE that works:

=SUMIF({2024 - Master Timesheet Data Contract Unique ID}, "Karen S-006", {2024 - Master Timesheet Data # of Hours})

HOWEVER, the criterion (Contract Unique ID) will be different in each row, and I would like to use a Column Formula in the Hours Used column. I would like the criterion in the equation to reference the Contract Unique ID column directly. I've tried the following equation, but it returns the answer "0", which is not correct:

EXAMPLE that doesn't work:

=SUMIF({2024 - Master Timesheet Data Contract Unique ID}, "[Contract Unique ID]@row", {2024 - Master Timesheet Data # of Hours})

What am I doing wrong??



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