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Form: Require "Need order by" field to be AFTER today.

We have a form that has a DATE field called "Need Order By" so that the user can tell us the date the the order must be fulfilled by.

Can you guess what date users MOST OFTEN use? Yeah, you got it! a date in the PAST.

We are very anxious to find a way to force the user to input a date that is in the FUTURE.

Can anyone tell us how?



Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/12/24 Answer ✓

    Hi @NeilKY,

    Yes, you can enforce this by customizing the form and using logic. This may not be fool-proof, but I think it will get the job done for you. I'd suggest making your very first question in the form to be "Need Order By" while the rest of the questions follow. Setup the logic on the "Need Order By" question to look like the below screenshot and make sure all remaining questions in the form only show when this logic is met. Therefore, if a person submitting the form chooses a day in the past, no more questions will generate for them. They will likely be able to submit the blank form, but you could possible setup a "helper" question that follows it as a checkbox that tells them they entered a date in the past and will need to choose another date for the questions to display.

    Let me know if you need further assistance on my suggestion.

    Travis C, PMP

    Smartsheet Leader with 5+ years of SS experience

    Let's connect: LinkedIn - Travis C.

    If my answer was sufficient, pleaseupvote and mark my response as answered.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/12/24

    Nevermind! I found this post where @AEForrest so eloquently explained a great workaround that works for us! Thanks @AEForrest


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/12/24 Answer ✓

    Hi @NeilKY,

    Yes, you can enforce this by customizing the form and using logic. This may not be fool-proof, but I think it will get the job done for you. I'd suggest making your very first question in the form to be "Need Order By" while the rest of the questions follow. Setup the logic on the "Need Order By" question to look like the below screenshot and make sure all remaining questions in the form only show when this logic is met. Therefore, if a person submitting the form chooses a day in the past, no more questions will generate for them. They will likely be able to submit the blank form, but you could possible setup a "helper" question that follows it as a checkbox that tells them they entered a date in the past and will need to choose another date for the questions to display.

    Let me know if you need further assistance on my suggestion.

    Travis C, PMP

    Smartsheet Leader with 5+ years of SS experience

    Let's connect: LinkedIn - Travis C.

    If my answer was sufficient, pleaseupvote and mark my response as answered.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you!


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