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Index Match on same sheet only matches to the first key found at top of row

edited 11/13/24 in Formulas and Functions

The Index Match on same sheet only matches to the first key found at top of row where I am expecting it to look at all rows in the sheet. Here's the formula in Col3.

=INDEX([Capacity 1]@row, MATCH([Collapsing 1]@row, Key:Key, 0))

And the example is below:

You can see that the ABC12345 under Collapsing 1 col matches to the first row under the Key col and the number 14 correctly displays in Col 3.

However, the AERIOU567 on row 2 Collapsing 1 column does not match to the last row and column Key AERIOU567. Instead, I get an #INVALID VALUE error.

My expectations is that there should be a '2' in Col 3 instead of the error.

Does anyone have an idea on what I am doing incorrectly?



Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I believe the index match is supposed to follow this format:

    =INDEX({range of cells you want to output}, MATCH([row to match]@row, {range of cells to match to row}, 0))

    You wrote it with the beginning of the index as a row, so it can only pull from that row, which is why ABC alone worked. Instead, you should adjust it slightly to be a range:

    =INDEX([Capacity 1]:[Capacity 1], MATCH([Collapsing 1]@row, Key:Key, 0))

    I hope this helps~

    Renée Roberge


  • Community Champion

    You need to specify the entire Capacity 1 column.

    =INDEX([Capacity 1]:[Capacity 1], MATCH([Collapsing 1]@row, Key:Key, 0))

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I believe the index match is supposed to follow this format:

    =INDEX({range of cells you want to output}, MATCH([row to match]@row, {range of cells to match to row}, 0))

    You wrote it with the beginning of the index as a row, so it can only pull from that row, which is why ABC alone worked. Instead, you should adjust it slightly to be a range:

    =INDEX([Capacity 1]:[Capacity 1], MATCH([Collapsing 1]@row, Key:Key, 0))

    I hope this helps~

    Renée Roberge

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much!

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