Creating an Automation based on days

I'd like to create an automation to send a notice to a coordinator when days worked are within 2 days of Days allowed to work. I'd also like to add a conditional format that highlights the row. Please help.


  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi there—

    Leveraging the automated workflows is a great way to send notifications! You can set up your automated workflow to run based on the date — your trigger would be "when a date is reached," and then you can choose to run 2 days before date field in your sheet.

    For conditional formatting, you could add a rule for when your date field is within the last two days - and then choose the color highlight you'd like to use.

    Does that help?

  • LHurley
    LHurley ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Jennifer, I don't believe this will work because there is not a date field, I need it to be based on number of days worked. I've included a screeshot. I need an automation sent when the "Work Days Remaining for Month" is within 2 days of Days Allowed to work. I hope that makes sense.

  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @LHurley - Ah - got it! My apologies; I shouldn't have assumed your field was a date field! :)

    You have options for how you'd like your notification to run:

    You could use the "Work Days Remaining…" as the trigger, and set the trigger to run when that field changes to "2"

    Or, you could create the notification to run at a regular interval (choosing "When a date is reached" as the trigger, and then toggle the "Run Once" to a custom recurrence - such as running it every day). Then, you'd add a condition based on your Work Days Remaining - e.g., "is less than or equal to 2" (if you want it to run when the Work Days remaining is 2, 1, or 0) or "equal to 2" (if you want it to run ONLY when the Work Days Remaining = 2).

    Your conditional formatting rule would be based on the Work Days Remaining column as well - you could use the "define custom criteria" in your rule and select "is less than" 3 — this would mean any rows with a 2, 1, or 0 would be formatted in the way you select.

    Does that help?

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