Report Date Sorting by Number Instead

Hello - I have date format sheet summary fields rollling up to a sheet summary report and when I sort on the date column it sorts things by numeric value instead by date values. The sort selections are Newest to Oldest and Oldest to Newest so the filter knows the column/field formatting involves dates/age. Thoughts?

Sorts as 9/30/24, 9/22/24, 9/10/23, then 9/4/24 when it should sort as 9/30/24, 9/22/24, 9/4/24, 9/10/23.

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    In that case you would need to either set [Column4] as a date type column, or you would need to adjust the formula in the Sheet Summary field to output a date type value.

    =DATE(VALUE("20" + RIGHT([Column4]15, 2)), VALUE(LEFT([Column4]15, FIND("/", [Column4]15) - 1)), VALUE(MID([Column4]15, FIND("/", [Column4]15) + 1, FIND("/", [Column4]15, FIND("/", [Column4]15) + 1) - (FIND("/", [Column4]15) + 1))))
