Adding formula to help text in Forms

I am looking for a way to display a cell value for the user while they are completing a form; I want to display the current value of an item in inventory that the system thinks we have so the user can adjust it if it is incorrect. For example column = "Gloves", help text would say "We have 6 gloves in stock" and if there are only 4 gloves they could select -2 to adjust the totals.

Is there a way to get that "6" displayed on the form somehow? It is a calculated value on another sheet.

Best Answer

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jjg279

    Without fancy API stuff, I would suggest embedding the Form on a dashboard and then have the counts be displayed off to the side of the Form. It's not great on a mobile device but it could work on a laptop or tablet.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner
