Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Calculating Duration between Start Date and Completed Date including the time and date

Can anyone help how would I be able to calculate the time difference/duration between Completed date (includes time and date) and submitted date (includes time and date). By the way, both in Text/Number Column Type since both column were manually provided.

I am not sure why I am getting "#INVALID OPERATION" error.


  • Hi Marie,

    The only solution I've found is to set the "Submitted" and "Completed" columns as Date columns. However, the issue is that Date columns don't support timestamps. I was able to make the formula work using the "Modified Date" or "Created Date" columns, but I'm not sure if those would suit your situation. Unfortunately, despite trying several approaches, I couldn’t get the Date column to display timestamps. I hope a better solution becomes available soon.

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  • Thanks for the response @Hunter Taylor . I can't used Modified date since it may change when other occur in the future if ever. I do hope this would be available in the future

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