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COUNTIF "Submitted" and ISDATE = 2024


I'm receiving #INCORRECT ARGUMENT for a formula and wanted to see if anyone could help me.

=COUNTIF({IPR Range 6}, CONTAINS("Submitted", @cell), ISDATE({IPR Range 4}), YEAR(@cell ) = 2024)

To provide background, I have a list of form submissions (IPRs) that are either in "submitted", "approved", or "declined" status and I want to view the total of submitted statuses in 2024 only, so I am trying to add on ISDATE (COUNTIF worked for all).

Any help, please?



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Cindi Meche

    I think you might want to use a COUNTIFS here, as you have two conditions: forms that are "Submitted" and those submitted in the year 2024.

    I was having difficulty using the "YEAR" function here - so I'd be curious to see what others may come up using that. It certainly seems like it would be more straightforward!!

    In the meantime, you could try this:

    =COUNTIIFS({IPR RANGE 6}, CONTAINS("Submitted", @cell), {IPR Range 4}, (AND(@cell>DATE(2024,1,1), @cell<DATE(2025,1,1)))

    The COUNTIFS syntax is Range1, Criterion1, Range2, Criterion2. So here, the second criteria is looking for a date after 1/1/24 and before 1/1/25 - i.e., in the year 2024.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Yes! Thank you, @Jennifer Kurtz - I always forget to change between COUNTIF and COUNTIFS. That worked with the added date range.

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