Filter in shared sheet only visible to half the group

Hi there,

I have a filter created to show tasks past due. Half of the people can see the items on the filter and the other half can't. Even the owner with a full license cannot see the items in the filter, but I'm an admin with a full license who can see it.

What would be the reason some people can see the items in the filter and others cannot?



  • Archiduc
    Archiduc ✭✭✭✭

    Are you sure everyone is using the same filter? Did you request screenshots or screenshare to assertain the issue?

  • Yes, it's a shared filter I created for everyone to view the past due items. Half can see it and the other half cannot. I've seen it on Teams meetings when the owner of the sheet has shared his screen (showing zero results) and I've also seen it on another full license team members computer who can see the filter.