Can I create a formula for the total value in a single cell on a reference sheet?

The left photo is my metrics chart, and the right side is where my data is coming from. Im trying to create a formula to pull from that specific cell, and reflect that same count onto the metrics sheet. Possible?



  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @Mykel Gatson I think I need a little more context/detail. But short version yes. If you want a single cell then you'd just do a cell link from Cell A to Cell B.
    If you wanted to sum or other type of function a range of data you can do a sum() or sum(collect())… or technically yes you can index() a cell rather than a cell link but I would only do that if it were based on something else that would help you indicate/decide which row to index. In this case you could index({sum},1) assuming that reference was either that full column or just that one cell.

    Matt Lynn

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