Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Why am I not able to summarise a column in a report?

I am trying to summarise a column in a report. The column is a Text/Number formula that says 'Late' if an enquiry is late. I just want it to count how many late there are but Smartsheet isn't letting me. Often the option to summarise this column isn't there but if I remove and add it again, the option appears but it doesn't work (see below). Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jeremy_D

    Assuming that the [outstanding / late] is a dropdown list column and takes a late or outstanding value, and the report is grouped by some column, I added a [is Late] column that takes one if the [outstanding / late] is late.

    Then, I summarized the [is Late] by Sum. (The report's Count just returns the number of the rows under the grouping.)

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    Alternatively, you can group by [outstanding / late] as well.

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  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jeremy_D

    Assuming that the [outstanding / late] is a dropdown list column and takes a late or outstanding value, and the report is grouped by some column, I added a [is Late] column that takes one if the [outstanding / late] is late.

    Then, I summarized the [is Late] by Sum. (The report's Count just returns the number of the rows under the grouping.)

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    Alternatively, you can group by [outstanding / late] as well.

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  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp thanks for taking the time to respond. The issue is that I don't seem to be able to count on the outstanding/ late column (which is a Text/Number column that either shows blank or 'Late'). I either can't select it from the count dropdown or if I remove it and add it back I can select it but it doesn't count anything (see above).

    I've implemented your suggestion and made the IsLate helper column. It's not ideal as it's an extra column in there and I'm not sure why the Outstanding/Late column can't count but it will work for now so cheers for the help!

  • Community Champion


    I added a Text/Number column that either shows blank or 'late'.

    In my report, if I group by Group Column, the Count summary shows the number of 'late'.

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    Below is the report I grouped by the [Late Text] column.

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    Both reports are summarizing data as expected.

    If your problem persists, please contact me by email in my profile to give me more information on your sheet and report.

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