In need of a formula that takes the amount in the Children rows and divides by a Parent row total

I am in need of a formula that takes the amount in the children rows and divides by a Parent row (ideally would make a column formula). My current formula for the attached is the below (one of many formulas tried).

=IF(CHILDREN([Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row > 0, [Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row / (PARENT)([Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row, ())

I also tried =[Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row / PARENT([Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row) but did not work either.

Any help is appreciated!


Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Crystal Panning

    Try the below, it should work as a column formula too

    =IF(AND(PARENT([Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row) > 0, [Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row > 0), [Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row / PARENT([Merchant Revised Casepack Quantity]@row), "")


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