Consolidating Multiple Sheets with Large Data Sets


I am leveraging PowerBI to help drive insights to our business, but am now running into issues around the constraints Smartsheet enforces with our large data sets.

We have multiple projects that were are managing (50+), each with their own smartsheets, which are built around standard templates (leveraging control center). We know we can consolidate multiple sheets leveraging out of the box features such as lookups or reports (in combination with filters). However, given the row limitations for both sheets and reports, we are now required to create multiple consolidated reports, which we then connect to PowerBI. In other words, we'll create REPORT 1 to consolidate sheets 1-25, and REPORT 2 to consolidate sheets 26-50.

Given the size of our business, this is not scalable and manageable from an admin perspective. How can we create a single data source by combining many smartsheets into a single, large dataset) to connect to PowerBI without running through these short term, manual workarounds?

Any insight would be helpful!

CC: @Genevieve P. who is always a Rockstar!
