Help with cross cell referencing

I have a sheet of incidents that I want to be able to count the number of certain types in a month.

In my incident sheet I have

a column called "Type of Incident", that has values of Safety, Environment and Quality

A column for the date, that I have used formulas in helper columns to get the Month and year. So now a cell called Month/Year that has values like January 2025, December 2024 etc. There are a lot of columns in-between these.

I can count the number of each type of incident using:

=COUNTIF([Type of Issue]1:[Type of Issue]25, "Safety")

I want to end up with a table that looks like the below so that I can then turn it into a chart.

I have created a new sheet to build this table.




January 2025




December 2024




I have got the count working referencing the other sheet. (called Incident)

When I go to just count those where the type is safety for January my formula does not work. I am using 'reference other sheets' but have just picked the column I want in the range.

=IF({Incident Range 2} = [Primary Column]@row, COUNTIF({incident Range 3}, HAS(@cell, "Safety")))

How do I structure the 'Incident' Sheet and also the formula to get what I need?


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