Is there a way to see the emails that a form was sent to?

Is there a way to see which emails a form was sent to?

It would be great is it's a list of emails that a form was sent to.

And who has answered to the form.


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @dnavarrete

    I don't believe there's a way to see which email addresses were provided and emailed upon form submission.

    You can however see who answered the form if you have the proper setting applied to your form.

    When editing the form, click on Settings at the top of the form. Then select "Require Smartsheet login to access this form" which will then provide you with the user(s) who submit(s) the form. Add a "Created by" auto column to your sheet to see who submitted the form which creates a new line on your underlying sheet.

    All the best,