Contacts: Form vs. Grid

karizimmeran ✭✭✭
edited 01/21/25 in Formulas and Functions

Hi - I have a sheet that then has a form attached. When people need something added to my sheet (which we call the 'tracker') I have them use a form.

There is a 'Lead' column that is a contact list. When people fill out the form, they select their name from the contact list and it goes into the tracker. However, it actually doesn't come up as their smartsheet contact, but just their name. I haver to - retype their name for the Smartsheet contact to come up. I've attached a screen shot.

I've double checked and the properties of the 'Internal Lead' column is a contact list.

The problem is, I have a report set up by Current User. If I don't manually go in and change this on the tracker, it doesn't show up on their report.

Is there a way to fix this?




  • Brian Wilson DC
    Brian Wilson DC ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/21/25

    @karizimmeran I believe it has to do with the fact that the Smartsheet contact also associates an email address with the contact name, so by having just a blank assigned to field for them to add a name into isn't auto-selecting the corresponding email address.

    I believe there are two ways around this: 1) Put a note for them to enter in their email address instead of their name.

    2) On your Smartsheet if you go to the column properties you can manually add in names for them to become part of a selectable contact list for that column. If your lead generations are only coming from a fixed group of people you could try adding them all there. On the form it will function like a drop down box.

    I hope this helps!



  • Thank you - i took option 2 and it worked! Appreciate your help with that. Have a great day!

  • PeggyLang
    PeggyLang ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    in your worksheet in the 'Lead' column are the contacts actual email addresses or simply names?
    I have just tested this and the dropdown list had to be actual email addresses; If these emails address are in your personal/company contact list then they will end up looking like when you had to retype them; if they are not in your personal/company list then they will appear as the email address.

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