Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Calendar App - Data Grouping Display

In one instance I'm using the Calendar App, the criteria I use for the grouping display in the left margin shows even if I don't have data for that particular time period. Another instance of Calendar App only shows names in the Grouping Display if there is data for the time period displayed.

We are trying to always list all of the names regardless of whether or not there is specific data for the time period displayed - like our first instance.

Does anyone know why we're seeing two different results? (I've tried grouping by a single variable and two variables - no changes)

In this example, the 5 variables listed at the bottom don't have data for the week, but they still show up. On my other instance of the Calendar App I can't get the variables to show up unless they have data for the week).

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