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Receiving "An error has occurred. Please try again." error message.

One of our users encounters an error message when responding to in-sheet conversations after being @mentioned. However, their response is still successfully sent. I’m trying to identify the cause of this error and determine if it impacts other functions as well.

Thank You.


  • Community Champion

    Smartsheet is constantly updating in the background. It sometimes goes down for a short period of time. This website is super helpful when that happens - https://downdetector.com/status/smartsheet/.

    If it is just one user, you might check if she is using Chrome, the recommended browser for Smarthseet. Sometimes Edge gives errors just because of the scripting. If it is still happening only to one person all the time and on Chrome, I would definitely submit a support ticket.

    Michelle Choate


    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here: https://calendly.com/michelle-choate

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