Formulas and Functions

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Date Formula with Cross Sheet References

I am trying to figure out a formula that will pull data from one sheet to another if it meets a set criteria and it happened during the previous week. I am using the formula below now:

=COUNTIFS({cross sheet reference column}, "specified data", {Date}, >=DATE(2025, 2, 9), {Date}, <=DATE(2025, 2, 15))

and it works great! However I am wanting to replace the information at the end (the part below)

{Date}, >=DATE(2025, 2, 9), {Date}, <=DATE(2025, 2, 15)

so that it updates automatically to pull the data if it occurred during the previous week (Sunday-Saturday) or (Monday to Friday).

We report this data in a weekly Tuesday meeting, so I tried the >=TODAY(-7) but it doesn't pull correctly. I also cant use >=TODAY(-9) because then it includes the Monday of the week we are reporting during and it throws the numbers off. Is there a way to do a range that auto populates without me having to go in and change the date weekly? I have about 20 ranges it is pulling for data right now, so I've been trying to find a fix to this without someone having to manually go in and change the dates.

Let me know if there is any additional data you need!


Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 02/23/25 Answer ✓

    =COUNTIFS({cross sheet reference column}, "Specified Data",{Date}, >= (TODAY() - WEEKDAY(TODAY()) - 6), {Date}, <= (TODAY() - WEEKDAY(TODAY()) - 1))

    This is working for me can you try this


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