Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Is there a way to have a formula highlight/fill the boxes based on criteria entered? I know this is doable with conditions, however I am finding myself making 3 conditions for each column and its a heavy sheet with many columns. There has to be an easier way?

What we are looking to do, is enter in data (The total #'s Manually), example shown below. and we would love if the sheet would automatically assign them a "fill" color based on the value we enter, My example of the table below is currently using the conditions set.. but I would love to apply a formula to the whole sheet, or each column as a formula.

Turn Red if between 0 and 720

Turn Yellow if 720 to 1439

Turn Green if 1440 to 10000.

Any and all help is welcome!! :) Thank you!

Best Answer


  • Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    hi @Brianne,

    unfortunately the formulas will not help you with the font / cell colour or appearance.

    but why can you use Conditional Formatting for that? From what I read it would fulfil your needs by 100%.

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you want me to respond :)

  • ✭✭

    @kowal Conditional formatting definitely works, but I was looking for an easier and less time consuming way of setting this up.

    Thank you for the answer! :)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    For what it is worth, I played around with this for a WHILE on a sheet I made not to long ago and didn't find any solution other than to just make a million conditional statements in the conditional formatting.

    I'm HOPING someone gives you a better answer than "Unfortunately, you are going to need 3 conditions per column"… I'd happily adopt it myself if they do!

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