Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Struggling with an IF/OR/AND formula


I have a formula I'm struggling to put into a single IF/OR/AND formula!

Basically, if the [Add-ons] column includes the tag "Prebill" AND if the [Final Invoicing] column is “Invoiced”, I want the [Total Amount Invoiced] column to add [Prebill Actual Invoiced] and [Final Invoicing Amount]. To clarify, if just one of these true, I'd still want the [Total Amount Invoiced] to populate with the amount of the true value. But if both are true, then they'd need to be summed.

Otherwise (that is, if the row isn’t tagged as “Prebill,”), I need the [Total Amount Invoiced] to follow this formula (which works on its own, but maybe there’s a neater way to even do this piece!):

SUMIF([First Draft Invoicing]@row, "Invoiced", [FD Actual Invoiced]@row) + SUMIF([Final Invoicing]@row, "Invoiced", [Final Invoicing Amount]@row)

Thanks for your help!


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