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March Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • ✭✭✭✭

    What's one skill that you would like to improve? (Work-related or not.)?

    I would love to get better at my WorkApps building skills. I am beginning to see the many benefits of using them over just building many sheets and dashboards separately. WorkApps ties them altogether nice and neatly. All in a nice neat package.

    Angie Bryant

    Application Support Tech

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    One skill I'd like to improve is quilting. I’ve always admired the art and creativity that goes into it, but I think I could really benefit from learning more advanced techniques and improving my stitching precision. It’s a relaxing and rewarding craft, and I’d love to be able to create more intricate designs!

    Michelle Cullen

  • Some skills that I would like to improve on is my time management and organization. I participate in many events outside of my day job, so being able to balance all of this will help me with maximizing my productivity.

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    A skill that could use improvement for me is cooking- I am slowly learning more but there are still lots of things to learn to be more confident in the kitchen!

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    I would love to improve my skills in art, particularly drawing digitally. It's been a lifelong interest of mine but it is so easy to forgo practice when life gets busy or I'm feeling uninspired!

    Meagan Struman ⚡️

  • Community Champion

    As a parent of 3 children. 10, 4, and 2. I want to improve my skill in helping them learn and grow. To teach them to do and be better then I did or was.

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    I'm sure it's a cliche' nowadays, but I'd like to improve my AI prompt skill. AI has become my companion, but as for all type of engagements, communication is key and although AI aims to replicate humans thought process, the way to get the most out of it it's different from the approach I would use with humans.

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    Have you considered using an AI tool? Some apps used to run meetings have built-in AI tool to take notes

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    How to remain positive in a world of negativity and uncertainty!

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    @Bruce Case

    How to remain positive in a world of negativity and uncertainty! - Amen to that!

    Michelle Cullen

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    My memory for names. Some days even forget my co-worker's names. I also forget what the names are for the difference tools and parts of a building are called. Very embarrassing.

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    I would like to improve my focus. I can't seem to work more than an hour before needing a break and it is really hurting my efficiency because then I need to come back and get back into the "zone" mindset of what I was doing before.

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    One work skill I have been working on for the past 25 years is things will get done at work and unless they have a deadline, it can wait. I am hoping I finally master that 😂

  • On the personal side, I need to work on patience and understanding. I have been raising three granddaughters for nearly 11 years now. The oldest is set to graduate high school in May! Kids today deal with many more challenges than I did or my kids did, so having more patience and understanding will make home a more pleasant and peaceful place!

    On the business side, is finding the time to complete the instructor led trainings to be come certified in Smartsheet. The two areas I have difficulty in are formulas and dash boards.

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