Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Formula for every Wednesday

I am looking for a formula to populate a due date column of every Wednesday after a start date



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    weekday() will give you the day of the week you are on currently (1-7) and Wednesday will be day 4. You can do a quick if statement to get the days until the next Wednesday and then add that number of days to your submission date (do not run afoul of month endings and such).

    =if(weekday([SubDate]@row)<4, [SubDate]@row + (4-weekday([SubDate]@row)), [SubDate]@row +(11-weekday([SubDate]@row)))

    Of course, this will give a due date of the very next day if something is submitted on a Tuesday. If you always want to give a minimum of 4 days you could skip the if() statement and true condition and just go with:


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