Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Allocation % Formula Based on Duration

Is there a formula that can be used to calculate Allocation % based on planned start and finish date (duration) entries? My allocation % is right next to the planned start and finish date columns, and I am hoping it can use the duration to determine allocation %. I would like to avoid having to enter allocation % directly into the plan as it may not be interpreted the same by everyone on my team.



  • Overachievers Alumni

    hi @vlopez47,

    But allocation is always decided by the user. You can set it up to be 100% always (if its not by default) but start or end date or duration does not have impact on allocation of your resources.

    You can also setup allocation by default to 50% so it wil be 4h per day etc. you can use formula like =0.5 in the entire allocation column and it will be always used as 4h per day from start date to end date.

    HOpe it helps.

    Tomasz Kowalski

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you want me to respond :)

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