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Formatting Parent Rows

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is it possible to format a parent row based on the number of children rows under it? If so, could you take it one step further saying like, highlight the parent row green if there are no children rows, yellow if 1 and red if 2. etc



  • Marcus Odum
    Marcus Odum ✭✭✭✭

    Yes this is possible, but it requires the use of an aditional column. I leverage parent formatting for my projects.

    Example: If the row is a parent row make it bold

    1. create a checkbox column and name it vParent (lock it)
    2. Enter: =COUNT(CHILDREN())
    3. Enter a formatting condition that addresses your criteria

    If the vParent is 0 then green, 1 yellow, etc.






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