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Sending data to another sheet leaves formulars behind. SMART SHEEET I HAVE AN IDEA !

Heath Sanders
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Back in Feb 2017 I spoke about (When sending a row to another sheet it leaves the formulas behind). It was explained to me that it dose this to avoid errors etc.

The problem I having is that the sheet I'm building is so interactive meaning: (I send on the row when job is sold to accountant, he then fills in his data, send it on to installer. He fills in his data and sends it to complete sheet. Each time the row is sent to another sheet I.e. Accountant or Installer,  the rows that don't relate to them are hidden (So their sheet looks different to mine when it actual is the same)  My question to Smart Sheet is if you "Save As New" or set up an option (Save As Cluster) that allows those sheets to be interactive. This means when a cluster of sheets ( Sales Rep: Accountant: Applicator: etc  requires the same "Formulas" to carry over to the sheets just like the "Conditional Formatting" dose when you "Save as New". This would make the sheet a very powerful interactive tool don't you think ?

Thank You




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