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How do I see all the filters I created. Is there a drop-down

James Skidds
James Skidds ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

How can I see the list of filters I have created. I was hoping that I could just select the filter needed (that was created) but it doesn't show all the filters created? Please advise, this is very much needed.

As it stands now it only shows a few. However I created one for each project, which is greater than 20.


  • Hi James,

    Filters are specific to each sheet, there currently isn't a way to see all of the filters you've created for every sheet in one place.

    You'll need to manually recreate filters on other sheets as you need them.

    One suggestion to streamline this is to create a template from your sheet. Create all of the filters you need on one sheet, make sure they're all shared filters, then save the sheet as a template.

    You can then create new sheets from that template and the shared filters will be preserved. More on templates can be found in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522123-creating-using-templates#createtemplate

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