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Wrapping text

tom_bryant ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


Is it possible to ensure that wrap text is assigned at all times on a sheet? I seem to be adding lots of detail to numerous rows and I have to constantly select the wrap text icon for each row - it would save time if wrap text could be applied to all rows on a sheet.





  • Grace F.
    Grace F. Employee Admin

    Hi Tom, 

    There isn't currently a way to apply formatting options to an entire sheet without selecting all the cells. When you have a moment, submit an enhancement request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site.

    As a workaround, it may be easier to apply the Wrap Text feature to your columns, which will apply it to all cells in that column. To do this, select the column header and user the Wrap Text button in the toolbar. 

  • Jason Anderson

    As I test I selected the first column + Shift + select the last column and I can toggle word wrap across all the columns. While not allowing it to be on by default you can toggle it whole columns at a time. 

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