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Approvals process

Wintermute ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

How would we notify the person submitting a request that their request was declined?


  • Mike Andreas
    Mike Andreas ✭✭✭
    edited 10/19/17

    Step 1: Create required columns.  See screenshot below.

    Step 2: Create alert.  See screenshots below.

    Step 3: Define rule details.  See screenshot below.

    Step 4: Define delivery settings.  See screenshot below.

    Haven't figured out how to insert screenshots in the body of this text - sorry for the "lumping together"!








  • Dee Randall
    Dee Randall ✭✭✭

    Has anyone had problems with notification directed to a contact in a column like in the above example. My contacts don't seem to get the notification. If I use my address I get one. 



  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for this! I can see how this works for those who have been shared to the sheet, or have been entered into a dropdown list. 

    I don't think it works for a free-text email address in the requestor's email column?

    Thanks again for your input,


  • DCarson
    DCarson ✭✭

    When I am notifying the requester that his request has been accepted or denied, I do not want to send the link to the sheet.  He should only be able to see his request, not all the requests on the sheet.  How do I do this?

  • basically you need to set an update request instead of a notification.

    Update request lets the user update his row from a web form without accessing the sheet.

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