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SUMIF children when date from another column is older than TODAY()

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I'm trying to get the numeric sum of the children of a parent when the date from another column is older than today.

I get #UNPARSEABLE when I try. 

This is what I have:


Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 4.14.30 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 4.14.42 PM.png



  • steven.reed14881
    steven.reed14881 ✭✭✭✭✭



    I have figured out a solution to your issue, but it involves adding one more column. I don't know whether you can achieve the desired result by modifying your formula, but ultimately it becomes simpler by breaking it into a two step process, as follows:

    • Add the new column which determines whether the date is prior to today, and if so, displays the Column3 value. If not, the result is 0. This is achieved through this formula: =IF([Column2]2 < TODAY(), [Column3]2, 0)
    • Then you can derive the sum of those that are earlier than today with the following formula: =SUM(CHILDREN()).

    I am including a screenshot of the whole thing. Let me know if you have question.







  • So this is a formula that goes in each child cell? I was hoping to operate entirely in the parent row.

    Let me try this...

  • This works. It would be ideal if I didn't have to copy the formula into each new row as rows are created and that it work in the parent row exclusively.

  • I get closer when I do something like this:

    =SUM(COLLECT([Column3]:[Column3], [Column2]:[Column2], <TODAY()))

  • Hi csprocket777,


    your original formula is wrong


    =sumif(children([column2](your row number), <today(),children())


    you were missing the row number to indicate the what is the parent cell


    hope it can help

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