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Resource View / Completed Projects

Laura ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

If a task/project assigned to a person has been checked off as 100% complete before the assigned deadline, is there a way for the Resource View to update in order to show that person being available during that time, without going to the sheet and updating the duration/end date of the task?

This way that person could be assigned to another task during that same period of time without it showing a conflict in resource view. 


Any feedback would be appreciated!




  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee


    We currently do not have the functionality to auto-update the percentage complete values in resource view. But you can submit an enhancement request for this functionality here so it can be considered by our development team for future implementations.


    Smartsheet Support 

  • Hi Pam - is this functionality still not available? Like Laura, our organisation is interested in this functionality, but also for when a task is not yet completed by the end date, and therefore that resource is still required in some capacity post the end date. Without this functionality, do you have any suggestions on how to manage this in smartsheet? Would we need to completely re-set the start and end dates and the allocation %? Doing this would unfortunately remove the history of that task which results in not being able to track the overall project % complete, which is used for billing purposes and overall financial management. One workaround could be to enter a new task to capture the history of the task, but this is all starting to be a bit cumbersome. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

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