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Working Offline



  • Travis,


    Your organization has an excellent piece of software and it would make it to the outstanding moniker if, as others have indicated above, had an offline version that would sync when you are in access zone. That to me is the only missing piece.


    I have used many action logs including developing my own however, after literly stumbing across your offering, I believe this one will end all others, now and in the future.


    Please offline version

  • One more vote for offline capability. I would like to use Smartsheet phone app for my field technicians to update survey data from the field, but sometimes we have to do the work in areas with no or limited mobile network. Perhaps solution might be to use some sort of buffer database to temporarily store data on the smartphone and then upload them as soon as network is available?

  • Ccf
    Ccf ✭✭
    edited 06/02/16



    I have been working wiht Smartsheet for quite some time (years) already. I love it. 



    However like everyone else already reported, if you want users to extend the use of Smartsheet, you need to provide us the way to work online and automatically syncs like other tools do. Else, you will get a side effect to look for alternatives to Smartsheet.


    I would like you to be more specific and reply to the 2 simple questions people expect on this subject:

    1. Will Smartsheet implement this feature?

    2. When?


    Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

  • Hi Ccf-- Travis has moved to a different position at Smartsheet but I wanted to follow up with you on this. We don't currently have plans to implement this functionality in the near future, but I do understand the need for it and I've submitted your feedback to our Product team. Thanks for sharing your input!

  • Kirstine
    Kirstine ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Please add another vote for this. I can't believe it's been over two years and there's still no offline solution! (The excel option is ridiculous.) What would we do if all our info was on Smartsheet and then the web went down... grind to a halt? Why has this not been made a priority when it so clearly is a huge issue? 

    See also all the comments on your 'tips' article: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/smartsheet-tips-working-offline 

  • Add another vote to that.

    Google docs has an offline option. works great.

    It needs a function to download to the desktop and then syncronize when online again.


  • another vote please. Any update on whether this is on the roadmap yet?

  • Any update on when the offline option will be available?  Without it, I can't see smartsheet being able to take off as an integral project management tool @ my organisation! 

This discussion has been closed.