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Will moving a sheet to a new workspace break associated reports?

JLC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

We have a number of high-volume sheets used across multiple reports. Will moving these sheets to a new workspace break any associated reports - either in report functionality or user access? I'm thinking it's a "no", but would love a confirmation before I go ahead.

A second question - what about renaming a workspace? Will that break any reports linked to sheets within the newly named workspace? Again thinking it's a "no"...but would really hate to break our entire system if I jumped the gun.

Thank you!



  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee
    edited 11/17/17

    Hello Jaye, 

    Moving the sheet to a workspace will not break the report and the report will keep running properly.

    However, if you are sharing the report with collaborators, the sharing permissions of the report and of the sheet might break if they are not the same as the sharing permissions of the workspace. You will, therefore, want to make sure that the sharing permissions in the report are similar to those of the workspace so that users can still access the report. 

    Kind Regards, 


    Smartsheet Technical Support Specialist 


  • JLC
    JLC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, Pam! I added another question in, too - what about renaming the workspace? I think what would help is to understand how the report pull functions - is it pulling simply the sheet's name (renaming a sheet breaks the report), the sheet's file structure (renaming the workspace or the sheet breaks the report), or is it pulling the sheet's unique ID number (renaming the workspace or sheet does NOT break the report)?

  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee

    Hi Jaye, 

    The report mainly pulls the sheet's data from the sheet you selected. You can certainly include the source sheet's name in the report. If you change the sheet's name, the new name will be updated automatically in the report as well. You can learn more about how the report pull functions here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports

    You can also learn more about the workspace feature here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/506690-managing-items-in-a-workspace-add-move-remove-

    Kind Regards, 


    Smartsheet Technical Support Specialist 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I believe the answer is not so cut and dried as Pam implies.

    A Report's source sheets can be either Workspaces (and all contents of same) and/or Sheets. If a Sheet is moved OUT of a Workspace and the Workspace was the "Where?" condition, the sheet's contents will no longer appear in the Report. The new Workspace is not automatically added to Report's criteria (nor should it be)

    Renaming either the Workspace, Sheets, or Reports have no impact on the Report results.




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