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Form data

Carol CLO
Carol CLO
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I created a form. Sent the form link to my email address. Received it. Populated and submitted the form. Received the confirmation email. The data on the populated, submitted form do not appear in the SmartSheet. Can anyone explain how I activate or enable the data in the form to download to the corresponding SmartSheet?



  • Addendum: I just scrolled down and located the form data on line 31 of the SmartSheet. There were no prior entries on any line of the SmartSheet so I anticipated the form data would drop into the first unpopulated line at the top of the page. Can anyone explain why it downloaded to line 31 instead of the first blank line at the top of the page? 

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Whenever I work on a sheet, if I have done anything in the blank rows, at any point in time. I always delete them to ensure they aren't included. Smartsheet will automatically add some blank rows back in, but they will be "truly" blank and won't interfere with submitted forms. 

  • I am facing the same problem. For me its a bit more complicated, I have set up cell links for 75 blank rows, so the form entries go in the unlinked cells which pushes the new form entries from row no 75. Any work arounds would be awesome! 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm not quite sure I know which problem you are speaking of (there are several that fall into this category).

    This post discusses one such issue with new rows and referencing them:


    If that doesn't help, please clarify what your specific problem may be.


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