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show the latest date from 3 selected columns

Debbie Sin
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I would like to show the latest date among 3 selected columns in a new cell, Is there any formula to make it happen?


  • Hi Debbie,

    I’m not exactly sure what you’re looking for, but I’d recommend looking at the MAX() function, which will show the latest date from a range of cells/columns: https://help.smartsheet.com/function/max

  • Thanks

    let say, I have three columns showing different dates that we received the approval from client due to revised orders as below

    1st approval received on 09/28/2017.

    2nd approval received on 11/13/2017

    3rd approval received on 12//15/2017

    I will create another column to show the final approval date which should be the latest one, 12/15/2017.  Or sometimes, we only received one approval date, which the other two will be blank.  If I use the Max(), will they able to pick the latest date even the other two approval date is blank.



  • Robert S.
    Robert S. Employee

    Hello Debbie,


    Yes the MAX() function can be used to make this happen. Here's a sample of how this formula could be written:


    =MAX([1st Approval]@row:[3rd Approval]@row)


    This formula however is assuming that the columns are contiguous. If there are other columns between the different approval columns, the formula can be changed to this:


    =MAX([1st Approval]@row, [2nd Approval]@row, [3rd Approval]@row)


    This is also assuming that the dates to be referenced are in the same row as where you're placing this formula. If this isn't the case, the sections that say @row can be changed to the row number for where these dates are located.

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