% Complete not reflected on parent task

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a task with subordinate tasks, the highest level is not calculating with the rest of the sheet. I have precisely the same setup throughout the sheet and the rest work. Any ideas?

Smartsheet example.jpg


  • Alison
    Alison Employee


    Thanks for this question!  Could I have you check that dependencies are enabled on the sheet?  I would assume so because your other "% Complete"s roll up, but I just wanted to verify.


    Secondly, could I have you provide a full-sheet screenshot of what you're seeing on the sheet?  If needed, you can black out sensitive information such as email addresses.


    Kind regards,


    Smartsheet Support

  • I have the same issue where parent lines do not calculate child percent complete into the summary parent line. I've tried using both dependency enabled and disabled.