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Make a row dissapear from a sheet

Andy Hitchman
Andy Hitchman ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Very basic question, I have a list of jobs in a Sheets. is it possible to make the row dissapear if I mark that row as done using a drop down list. I know longer need the row info in my sheets and I want to keep my sheets down to a managable size.


  • Nemesis
    Nemesis ✭✭
    edited 07/30/15

    Once you have either checked the 'done' box or marked completion as 100%, you can filter the rows. Hover over the column title (Done/ % Complete) and you will see a drop down button. Click on this and you will see 'Filter Column...' as one of the options.

    Click on this and you can then customise the criteria for filtering - pretty simple. This also allows you to choose whether you want the rows/ cells that meet the criteria to be the visible ones or to be hidden. 

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