Nested IF Statments

I'm trying to add the below "IF Statement" but I get the "#UNPARSEABLE" error. "Weight22" is cell that contains the "70%" (which is calculated from a formula.  I want the IF Statement to return the "Below Average" / "Average"/ "Very Good"/ "Excellent" based on the % cell next to it.

I'm new to smart sheets so I don't really have a clue what is going on.  In excel the formula works fine.

=IF(Weight22 <=69%,"Below Average",IF(Weight22 <=79%,"Average",IF(Weight22 <=89%,"Very Good",IF(G11 <=100%,"Excellent"))))

If statement screen shot.JPG

If statement screen shot.JPG


  • Hello,

    Smartsheet functions need percentages to be turned into their decimal equivalent. Instead of using the percent sign, use a decimal value:

    =IF(Weight22 <=0.69,"Below Average",IF(Weight22 <=0.79,"Average",IF(Weight22 0.89,"Very Good",IF(G11 <=1,"Excellent"))))

  • Hello,

    Smartsheet functions need percentages to be turned into their decimal equivalent. Instead of using the percent sign, use a decimal value:

    =IF(Weight22 <=0.69,"Below Average",IF(Weight22 <=0.79,"Average",IF(Weight22 0.89,"Very Good",IF(G11 <=1,"Excellent"))))