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Duplicate Values Conditional Formatting



  • Kenyon Bajus
    Kenyon Bajus ✭✭✭✭✭

    I know this is an old thread, but this helped me. Thanks Travis.

  • I would like to set a condition to compare 2 date that a change would occur if the dates done match. However smartsheets only allows me to select 1 date to set the condition. I want to use the condition for the whole column but not for the individual cell. ex row 5 column date has the date 5/01/17 and row 5 column Date(2) has value 5/10/17, I want the date(2) cell to change color. The next row 6 has date 6/01/17. Conditioning only works when the value in the entire column is the same any way around this?

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