Invalid data type result when joining a complex collection

I'm receiving an "#INVALID DATA TYPE" result with the following forumla:

=JOIN(COLLECT({LocationStrings}, {LocationStrings}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), {PersonNames}, @cell = $[Person contact list]29, {ProjectStatus}, OR(@cell = $Status$5, @cell = $Status$6), {DeliveryDate}, AND(MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))), ", ")

When I remove the last collection criteria, it works, however I need the extra criteria:

=JOIN(COLLECT({LocationStrings}, {LocationStrings}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), {PersonNames}, @cell = $[Person contact list]29, {ProjectStatus}, OR(@cell = $Status$5, @cell = $Status$6), {DeliveryDate}), ", ")



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