IF formula to combine rows if checkbox checked

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Is there a way to do this?

I would like my Primary Column (Task Name) to combine it's text with my 'assigned to' column if the condition of the checkbox in column 'Show' is checked.




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
    edited 02/23/18

    This is doable if you want to set the formula in your primary column and adjust the formula each time you enter it the title of a task.

    =IF([Checkbox Column]24 = 1, [Assigned to]24 + " - ", "") + "Task Name"

    To set each task name you'd have to come in and edit the formula with your actual task name. 

    Or you could reverse it... 

    ="Task Name" + IF([Checkbox Column]24 = 1, " - " +[Assigned to]24, "") 

  • Thanks, that will give me something to work with.



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