Report in Publish View - no sorting abilities

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am trying to share a report via published view and noticed that people with that link cannot sort rows. The option is there but it is greyed out. Is there something just not turned on to be able to do this?



Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 11.02.48 AM.png



  • Hello,

    Smartsheet considers sorting to be a permanent structural edit to a report. Publishing a report is currently a read-only, meaning that no changes can be made to the report (including a sort).

    In order for collaborators to be able to sort the report, they'd need to be directly shared to it (and the source sheets) in Smartsheet.

    Otherwise, you'll want to apply the sort yourself in Smartsheet and save.

  • +1 for this feature, I know the functionality is there as Dynamic View essentially lets you sort filtered reports.