Sigma Level Formula

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Good afternoon,

Wondering if anybody knows how to enter the following formula that we use in Excel:

=NORMSINV(1-(total defects / total opportunities))+1.5

into Smartsheet, we use it to calculate Sigma Levels.




  • Hello,

    Smartsheet currently doesn't have inverse cummulative standarized normal distribution functions or features for calculating Sigma Levels. (There also isn't a way to effectively calculate this in a manual fashion.) When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request for this using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site to let our Product team know that you'd like to see this added to Smartsheet.

    You may need to calculate Sigma Levels in Excel and then manually copy and paste the result (with keyboard shortcuts) into Smartsheet. Otherwise, you might look in to the Live Data Connector (ODBC Driver) that allows you to sync data from Smartsheet to Excel:

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