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How do I save my sheet before logging off? Is there an auto save other than the every ten minute pop

Alex Cannard
Alex Cannard ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts


  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Click on Account/Personal Settings/Settings.

    Check both boxes to Save every 3 minutes and Save automatically if you leave/close the sheet.


    See the attached.






  • Alex Cannard
    Alex Cannard ✭✭
    edited 09/17/15

    Thanx Tim, this is already done but I still lose info when I log off


  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Hmmm... Frown Then I would suggest finding a specific example where this has occured or do a test which results in you losing data. Then email support@smartsheet dot com with the sheet name and the data you lost.


    Could be an issue that was occuring globally or could just be specific to your sheet.



  • Stephen Uekert
    edited 09/17/15

    Hi Alex,


    This may be a dumb question, but I wonder if you could check to see if there is any record of there being that data in the cell by viewing its cell history?


    Just right click on the cell and choose "View History". Does it show any record of you ever having entered data? Just curious if there is a chance of someone else modifying the data at all.


    May not be it at all, but thought I would at least suggest it.



  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    steve, that's actually a smart questionInnocent   if data was entered and then the sheet was closed, it would be interesting to see if it was captured in the History.  

    If it's not saving, then one would THINK it wouldn't be in the history.


  • I agree with you Tim. I wouldn't expect to see it if the data is in fact not saving, but thought maybe we'd see something that could lead to an answer. I'm all about finding weird stuff if I can LOL.


  • Thanx Guys, next time it happens I'll check the cell before I re-enter the info

  • SashaR
    SashaR ✭✭
    edited 09/17/15

    If you have unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save if you go to Account > Sign Out. Make sure you select Save when this menu pops up.


    Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 1.16.46 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 1.17.56 PM.png

  • Alex Cannard
    Alex Cannard ✭✭
    edited 09/18/15

    Awesome !! Thanx Sasha that's the ticket!!

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