How to add few texts/words on countif(s) formula

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi, can someone help me on the correct formula that I should use? I wanted to get the number of projects based on their status however the countif formula that I am trying to use doesn't work in Smarsheet but works in Excel.

Below is the formula I used in Excel that worked:

=COUNTIFS(B3:B11,"*contract for*",C3:C11,"=active",D3:D11,"delayed")


I tried an alternative solution by using the project owner names but I only want to count the cells that are not blank.

Alternative formula I used in Smartsheet:

=COUNTIF([Project Owner]:[Project Owner], "<>", Status:Status, "complete")


Please need your comments and suggestions.

Many thanks in advance,


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