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Send update requests to assigned user?



  • Andrea B
    Andrea B ✭✭✭
  • Mikey
    Mikey ✭✭✭✭

    Can I add my vote for this function please

  • jochav5280

    Has the update that everyone's voted for been incorporated yet?  Looks like this has been going on for nearly (3) years now, which is disappointing.  How long does it take to generally incorporate user improvement requests?

    This is definitely a big shortfall right now, especially when there's hundreds of tasks to manage; what is the purpose of assigning tasks if we don't have the ability to send out mass update requests?  Please let me know what I'm missing as well as when this will be incorporated.  Thank you!

  • Andrea B
    Andrea B ✭✭✭

    This facility is available in the "Alerts and Actions" tab - you will need to create a rule but this has been available for some time now  - since September 2017 if my memory is correct



  • Annabelle_W


    I would like to add my vote for this function. 

    Though I see you can set Approval requests under Alerts and Actions, it seems this would set a rule and I mostly just want to send one-off requests direct from 'Card view' to those contacts in my 'Assigned to' box at different times. At the moment I have to re-type in the email addresses in each time so this improvement would make a big difference!



  • I am looking for this as well.  In my table, automatic update requests are only available for the system generated fields of Modified by and Created by.  I need to automatically send updates to the person in an Assigned to column.

This discussion has been closed.